If you are using mobile phone for surfing the internet then you are now probably using either Opera Mini or UC Browser and in this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each browser.
The Opera Mini and UC Browsers are one of the most popular mobile browsers along with Chrome Mobile and Safari.
Opera is one of the famous desktop browser client for surfing the internet but even though it’s not used widely among the Pc users but its so popular among the mobile users for its speed and smoothness. On the other hand, the UC browser is the another popular mobile browser which have taken the normal java mobile into a powerful Pc surfing experience. Lets find out more about each the browser below.
- The opera mini browser is really smooth for scrolling where uc browser’s latest version seems to be smooth but opera mini is still smoother.
- The uc browser has a night mode theme which helps our eyes and saves battery in the nights while the opera mini only have the option to change the theme header and footer colours.
- RSS feeds works in the opera mini browser where it won’t for the users who are surfing on the uc browser.
- The uc browser users can download the files via the U disk which the user can download the files from U disk to the device memory anytime.
- Many users feels the loading bar of the opera mini is good to see than the loading bar of the uc browser.
- In uc browser the user can copy texts from any page on the internet via the free copy option where the opera mini lacks the feature. This is very useful feature for the S40/java mobile users. [Update- This feature seems to be added in the latest opera mini version]
- Sometimes when the users use the uc browser for searching on the Google, they often found the Google asking them to enter the correct text for a captcha image for continuing their browsing.
- Uc browser has a powerful download manager for a mobile device which helps the users to download the big files from the internet.
- You can able to read the websites which displays the Non-Latin Scripts or your native alphabets in Opera Mini even if your device does not support the language and all you have to do is to enable the “Use bitmap fonts for complex scripts” in the Opera power user settings. [See about Opera Mini hidden secret codes…]
- Both your Opera Mini and UC Browser will become invalid file if you move, copy or send it to the another device from the original downloaded device.
- Update – Opera Mini recently started to show ads and the old version browsers are showing ‘update now’ notification on the top of every page while surfing which is considered to be annoying by some users.
Both your OperaMini.jad and UCBrowser.jad will become invalid file if you move, copy or send it to the another device from the original downloaded device.
In my opinion both the browsers are best browsers for the mobile phone and I had found many times that some webpages works correct on one of the browser and fails to work on the other. So, I recommend you to use both the browser for the situations like these and I give first preference to the opera mini for surfing and uc browser for downloading.