surface web vs deep web vs dark web vs shadow web vs marianas web

🛈Today's Message: For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, & the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

{{ANSWERED}} – Do you want to know what is the difference between the Surface Web, Dark Web, Deep Web, Shadow Web and Marianas Web? Here you can find how to enter these parts of the internet and various myths about them.

The internet is like the ocean. Which is wide, deep, strange and unexplored by many.  Most people access the surface but restricted to enter the deep and the dark part of it.

What Will I Learn?

What is Surface Web?

The Surface Web is also known as the Visible Web, Clear Web, Lightnet, Indexed Web, Clearnet (or) Indexable Web.

Everything you find on the Google search is known as the Surface Web. Every webpage which you can access publicly without any restriction like membership, registration or payment is the Surface Web. Example: This webpage!

How much percentage of the internet is the Surface Web? It is estimated to be 5% of the total contents of the internet are in Surface Web.

The estimated size of the Surface Web is about 15 to 50 billion web pages and it is estimated to be around 20 terabytes (TB) of data, according to various sources.

It is mostly static and fixed web pages. Since it is visible to all, it is under surveillance by various governments and other organizations.

List of Surface Web contents:-

  • Google search results –
  • Wikipedia articles –
  • BBC News –
  • This Web page
  • Any webpage which can be accessed through links and its content is visible to everyone.

What is Deep Web?

The Deep Web is also known as Invisible Web, Unclear Web, Non-Indexed Web, Unclearnet (or) Non-Indexable Web.

It is just opposite to the Surface Web. If a webpage is not indexable by Google and other search engines then it is called Deep Web. Example: Your Facebook messages.

Deep Web is mostly dynamically generated web pages and generated from the database. The information is usually very well organized.

How much percentage of the internet is the Deep Web? It is difficult to evaluate the size of the Deep Web since it is hidden but it is estimated to be around 94.97% of the total contents of the internet are in Deep Web.

It is estimated to be around 400 to 550 times larger than the Surface Web. The Deep Web is growing faster than the Surface Web.

The estimated size of the Deep Web is around 7500 terabytes (TB) of data, according to some sources.

List of Deep Web sites:-

  • Your Facebook messages –
  • Your bank account –
  • Administrative pages of websites –
  • Any webpage which is not indexable by search engines.

What is Dark Web?

The Dark Web is also known as Black Web, Black Market, and Illegal Web.

The terms Dark Web and Deep Web are used interchangeably but both are different. Dark Web is the restricted part of the internet where most illegal business takes place. Also note, Dark Web isn’t always illegal.

The Dark Web is an encrypted network like the Tor servers and their clients. Many Dark Web websites have the .onion domain extension. Examples of Dark Web are the Tor, I2P, Freenet, ZeroNet, dn42, and Alienet.

It is very tiny part of the internet which accounts for only 0.03%. But the worth of money and deals taking place in Dark Web are higher than it’s size.

How do you get on the Black Web? The entry to Dark Web is restricted and every detail about it is kept secret.

List of Dark Websites:-

silkroad6ownowfk.onion – Closed by FBI

What is Marianas Web?

The term Marianas Web was named based on ‘Marianas Trench’ which is the deepest part of the world’s oceans. Like it, Marianas Web claims to be the ‘Level 10’ of the Dark Web. There are some very disturbing sites on the Dark Web and sometimes this is used to refer them. But in reality, this is more like frictional.

What is Shadow Web?

The Shadow Web is a friction than a reality. It is claimed to be deeper than the Dark Web. It is rumored that one can watch live murders on Shadow Web for payment. But nothing has proved to be real or authentic.


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